CBN News Chennel
8:00 am
Anchors - Efrem Graham
1. [2 min] Sept. 15th, Gov. Rick Perry made his first move for his election. (significance, prominence, humaninterests)
2. [2 min] Pres. Obama needs Virginia votes for his reelection, but there appears to be 54% disapprove. Candidates are moving for the election. (prominence)
3. [40 sec] Price of house is increasing. (significance, proximity, timeliness)
4. [2 min] Solar-energy company Solyndra has collapsed and been investigated for its loan, and it's something to do with Pres. Obama, but i missed it. Solyndra would run out of money by this month. (significance, timeliness, prominence)
5. [40 sec] Texas the Worst Drought (significance, unusualness, proximity)
6. [1 min 30 sec] Greening your home doesn't only help saving earth, but also help protecting your home. (humaninterest)
7. [30 sec] Pres. Obama honered marines in the White House today. (prominence, timeliness, humaninterest)
8. [30 sec] An airplane made an emergency land and there is no one hurt. (unusualness, timeliness)
9. [2 min 30 sec] Anti-Israel Protest in Jordan, and Candidate Herman Cain made a trip to Israel; he's a strong supporter of Israel. He wants a strong relationship with Israel. (prominence, timeliness)
10. [5 min 30 sec] There was a religious war in Bosnia. Many people died, but people there are overcoming their wounds under the name of God. (humaninterest)
11. [1 min] Non-profit organization called "Free Cake for Kids" has created. (humaninterest)